Tuesday, February 15, 2005

thinking outside the two party system

here's a look at a more playful politics being tried out (to great success) by the mayor of bogota, columbia. to me, this is somewhat of a vision of what we need to see - people breaking them mold of what is expected and really making change occur.

"Antanas Mockus had just resigned from the top job of Colombian National University. A mathematician and philosopher, Mockus looked around for another big challenge and found it: to be in charge of, as he describes it, "a 6.5 million person classroom."
Mockus, who had no political experience, ran for mayor of Bogotá. The fact that he was seen as an unusual leader gave the new mayor the opportunity to try extraordinary things, such as hiring 420 mimes to control traffic in Bogotá's chaotic and dangerous streets. He launched a "Night for Women" and asked the city's men to stay home in the evening and care for the children; 700,000 women went out on the first of three nights that Mockus dedicated to them."



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