the plot thickens...

nyt reporter judith miller is out of jail after being granted permission to testify from her source - which appears to be not karl rove, but cheney's chief of staff lewis 'scooter' libbey. i cant say i have a clue what is really going on here. but i smell a fish of some sort.
im fascinated by this case for a million reasons, its pretty clear by now that bush co. is linked to the leak of undercover cia op valerie plame's name to the media, but not clear how. and of course dubya's promise that heads will roll remains unfulfilled. beyond that, theres the issue of of protecting confidentiality of sources, yet another right eroding away like the new orleans levee. and then theres the issue of judy miller's slimey journalism (theres a whole chapter eviscerating her in amy goodman's 'exception to the rulers'), which makes her taking an ethical stand rather suprising.
anyhow.. what is there to do but wait and see.
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